Santosha And The End of Summer
By practicing Santosha (contentment), we can savor the last moments of summer while welcoming the transition into autumn with equanimity and gratitude.
Iām sure you all have heard me say this many times but, Yoga is an expansive practice encompassing much more than Asana (movement). The holistic practice of Yoga is comprised of 8 limbs - yama (ethical guidelines), niyama (personal discipline), asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (enlightenment).
As Summer slowly comes to an end, I want to share about Santosha, one of the five Niyama and an intention I often set in my personal practices. Santosha translates into contentment or inner peace encouraging us to cultivate a deep-seated sense of peace and fulfillment in the present moment that isn't dependent on external circumstances, allowing us to navigate life with calmness, resilience, and grace. It is about finding joy and contentment from within, rather than constantly seeking fulfillment from external sources or achievements.
Practicing Santosha means accepting life as it is, with all its imperfections, and being grateful for what we have. It involves releasing attachment to desires, outcomes, or things that are beyond our control, and instead focusing on what brings us genuine peace and happiness in the here and now. Santosha teaches us to maintain a balanced mind and heart, even in the face of difficulties or challenges. It encourages us to find inner stability by not being swayed by external highs or lows.
As we say our sweet goodbyes to Summer, Santosha is a great discipline to add to your practices. With this discipline, we can remember to appreciate the present moment embracing the fullness and vibrancy of summer as well as gracefully accepting the transition of seasons and welcoming the quieter, more reflective energy of Fall - finding peace and satisfaction in what has been experienced and what is to come. I invite you to remember to always express gratitude for the simple blessings in your life. Be present and aware of the small joys and beauties in everyday moments.